Experience Abundant Life
Helping you discover life the way God intended it to be.

Hello and welcome to Bible Center! We are so glad you stopped by. My name is Brother Titus James. I am your personal concierge, and I am here to assist you. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask. I will do my best to help!
Life Happens to us all.

Life brings both devastating losses—such as the death or separation from loved ones, job loss, or illness—and times of celebration, like births, promotions, and friendships. Navigating these highs and lows is challenging, but having a church home offers support and connection. While at times, it feels as if churches want something from you, Bible Center wants something for you: to live life to the fullest, as God intended, experiencing the "abundant life" Jesus spoke of.
- John 10:10, “I came that they may have life, and have it in abundance [to the full, till it overflows].”
On Earth as is in Heaven

Bible Center has been helping people discover meaning and God’s purpose for their lives since 1956. In our experience, the key to a happy and full life is to live it as God intended.
We teach and model how to live life God’s way through the study and application of the Bible and by doing life together as a church family. We would love to help you on your spiritual journey, as you seek to discover and fulfill your purpose, and to experience the abundant life that comes through a relationship with Jesus Christ.
Bible Center offers our members three critical practices to experience abundant life.
A Church Family
and Home
Our membership is a diverse multigenerational family of Christ followers in Pittsburgh. Although many of us are not Pittsburgh natives (we have members from all over the world), we have found family here at Bible Center.
Practical Biblical
The Bible teaches us how to live life as God intended. Accordingly, we study the scriptures and are taught how to apply the principles and truths of the Bible to our everyday lives.
Equipping to Make
an Impact
God created us to love and make a difference. At Bible Center, we equip our members to positively impact their families, schools, workplaces, churches, and communities, making earth [here] more like heaven [there]. #HereLikeThere
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Grab a Coffee at Everyday Café or sign up for a class - click here
Now that you know us a little better, if you think Bible Center might be the church for you, we invite you to join our Exploring Membership class. Led by our Pastors, this class covers our history, mission, vision, and beliefs. To sign up, email office@bcpgh.org. We look forward to welcoming you into our family.
Bible Center is not a building, we are a church - a gathering of Christians who meet together, eat together, pray together and work together to advance the Kingdom of God - God’s will being done here on earth just like it is in heaven.
At Bible Center we believe that Sunday is for Monday and that what happens on Sunday is to prepare us to live Monday through Sunday. We model our beliefs individually in our homes, in our schools, and in our workplaces and we model our beliefs collectively by serving our community through educational programs, employment opportunities, entrepreneurship education, and through “withintrification,” - the adaptive reuse of vacant and abandoned properties to benefit people who live, learn, work and worship in the Homewood neighborhood of Pittsburgh.
We invite you to come be a part of the Bible Center family and to discover the joy that comes through living our mission - We Love God. We Love People. We Live Like Jesus.